New York/Alex Harsley

Alex Harsely (digital)
Ran into Alex Harsley, the photographer, on Second Avenue yesterday. He nailed me with his cell phone, so I returned fire. Later, I went by his gallery/studio on East 4th Street with my son Brendan. Alex is busy with videos these days, but it's his remarkable still photography that interests me the most.

Muhammad Ali by Alex Harsley (digital)
Covering the walls of his tiny gallery space are dozens of images, held up by clothespins, made over the decades of New York scenes--especially the Lower East Side--with many chronicling African American culture. I snapped a piece of one wall showing several photos of Muhammad Ali. Who knows what else is in his archive. I can only only speculate. Drop by and visit. (67 E4th Street)

Brendan on the Bowery (digital)
New kicks.
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