New York/LES

E7th Street/McSorley's -- © Brian Rose (4x5 film)
Here is the view camera version of the image of McSorley's Ale House posted earlier. Line of out-of-towners waiting to get in, a limo idling, Cooper Union construction crane, and CU's Foundation Building itself beyond. The greenish tower is the Gwathmey Siegel condominium on Astor Place.
I don't understand the mention about a shoot with a 4x5 view camera
For me it's the same file as your pic posted on 2009-02-08 and tagged as digital pic
Gas station down is a really a film pic?
otherwise, I love your journal
Oops. Not for the first time, I gave two files the same name, and the new one overwrote the old one.
This image really is the 4x5 shot. I'll have to go back and correct the previous one.
Glad you enjoy the journal. It's a lot of work sometimes, but mostly I love doing it.
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