Monday, August 10, 2009

New York/On a Speeding Train

Sunnyside Yards, Queens -- © Brian Rose

I've been busy lately. A number of assignments after a barren winter and spring. I get an email from the publisher of the Lost Border--this has been a particularly brutal year for the bookselling and publishing industries...

Basically they are telling me that my book is being remaindered--conveniently timed to the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Brilliant marketing strategy. Give the books away at the moment when interest in the subject will be at its peak.

Long Island City, Queens -- © Brian Rose

Speeding through the city on a moving train. I am pleased, however, to contribute some of my Iron Curtain photographs to a literary project timed to the 20th anniversary of the end of the Wall, a book titled The Wall in my Head.

The Wall in My Head combines work from the generation of writers and artists who witnessed the fall of the Iron Curtain firsthand with the impressions and reflections of those who grew up in its wake and whose work, childhoods, and memories are all colored by the long shadow that it cast. The Wall in My Head provides a unique view into the change, optimism, and confusion that came with 1989 and examines how each of these has weathered the twenty years since that fateful year.

More on this later. Here is the book's website.


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