Amsterdam/Ayaan Hirsi Ali

PARIS, May 15 — The Dutch government on Monday abruptly threatened to revoke the citizenship of one of the country’s most prominent members of Parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born woman who arrived as a refugee 14 years ago.
–New York Times

I have never cared for Hirsi Ali’s politics, which I’ve found polarizing and self-aggrandizing. However, this is a political assasination virtually as despicable as the actual assasinations of Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn. I am stunned.

Amsterdam, Mercatorplein (4×5 film)

One thought on “Amsterdam/Ayaan Hirsi Ali

  1. Anonymous

    well I guess the lesson here is that spewing self hate, and being a puppet of confirmation of stereotypes doesn’t get you far…because you’ll be thrown out like an old toy when they don’t need you unlce tomming anymore
    – Truth

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