Amsterdam/July 4

Pulling down statue of King George III, New York City, July 9, 1776

The following song is loosely based on the Declaration of Indpendence. Lines taken or adapted from the original text are highlighted. The recording was done straight to computer without any benefits of a recording studio. But the quality should be listenable to most ears. Please feel free to share the lyrics and sound file.




in the course of human events
these truths betray a liar

red rockets glare our flag still there

over baghdad nights afire

the tyrant king usurps the throne
lets slip the dogs of war

terror thrown a useless bone
to settle obsolete scores

pull the statue down
watch it tip fall and shatter

break his phony crown

and his cronies tumble after

let facts be submitted to a candid world
the chaos of shock and awe
a long train of abuses

he refuses his assent to laws

a shadow state perpetual war
mercenary corporations
complete the works of death

tyranny and desolation

pull the statue down
watch it tip fall and shatter
break his phony crown
and his cronies tumble after

tramped on dragged through
a prison of earthly delights
strip searched and naked

certain unalienable rights

morning light frozen height
the blinding gates of hell
declare the causes which impel

the day the towers fell

pull the statue down
watch it tip fall and shatter
break his phony crown

and his cronies tumble after

throw the gauntlet down
our lives our sacred honor

© Brian Rose