New York

Last nght there was heavy rain and wind, my ceiling leaked (an ongoing saga), and when I went out this morning I came across a half-block long sidewalk shed that had been blown down probably as the result of an advertising banner acting as a sail. As I posted further down, we should be issued hard hats in this neighborhood there is so much construction.

Temple Emanu-El and 4×5 camera

The weather brightened as the day wore on, and I dashed uptown to do a last photo for my Temple Emanu-El assignment. I stood on the corner of 65th and 5th Avenue for an hour waiting for traffic and sun. It’s a busy corner because 65th is one of the few streets that crosses Central Park. Clouds swooshed across the sky, and the best moments were probably when weak sunlight filtered through the clouds. At this time of the year, the sun is low, and the trees in Central Park are still relatively full. So, direct sunlight is patchy and never illuminates the whole building. I then walked to the Apple store down the street and purchased a Wacom tablet, a versatile replacement for a mouse when working in Photoshop.

Dr. Strangelove on Mulberry Street

I snapped this on the way home from the subway.