Olomouc, Czech Republic/Film Festival

Blogging from the Czech Repubic. I moderated a discussion with Suzanne Vega and filmmaker Chris Seufert about the process of making a documentary. In this case Chris making a film about Suzanne. A couple of clips from the film, still a work in progress, were shown, and then we talked for about an hour. The discussion was part of the International Film Festival in Olomouc.

Chris Seufert and Suzanne Vega in Olomouc in the Czech Republic

Last night Suzanne performed Tom’s Diner for former Czech president Vaclav Havel via a live video link on the occasion of his birthday.

Suzanne Vega and Vaclav Havel (on screen)

Suzanne and I were guests at the closing party for my exhibition of photographs taken of her in 1980 and 1990. Unlike a typical New York gallery opening where one stands around with a wine glass making small talk, we were greeted by a barrage of cameras. Lots of video cameras this being a documentary film festival. The gallery was in the café of the Olomouc Museum of Art. The director of the museum gave a speech, and then Suzanne and I talked a bit about when and how the photographs were made. We then sat at a table signing autographs on exhibition brochures or copies of the festival newsletter. I never did get my glass of wine.

Standing in front of my photographs of Suzanne Vega

Signing autographs

Entrance to the museum café and gallery

More from Olomouc to come…