New York/Apartment Hunt

I haven’t posted much lately because I’ve been hoofing it all over lower Manhattan looking for an apartment for my family. It’s been an incredibly frustrating experience. It’s not just that prices are high–that was a given–but that there’s so little available for rent at any price. One loft in Tribeca that I loved was snatched from under me by someone with a blazing checkbook. I’ve been using several brokers, a New York necessary evil, who have been very nice and have tried to find me a suitable place. So far, they, and I, have failed. But earlier today I applied, without a broker, for a loft in a building in the West Village near PS 3, a school that would be great for my son Brendan.
Hopefully, I will snag this one.

Walking back to my East Side apartment I passed by Moss, a terrific design store on Houston Street.

Moss on Houston Street