New York/Rodger Kingston

Rodger Kingston nails a door (digital)

A while back, when the weather was still warm, I was paid a visit by Rodger Kingston down from the Boston area. Rodger and I met online–somehow that doesn’t sound right–and have been corresponding regularly.

We spent a few hours walking around the Lower East Side, and Rodger snapped away using his wide format Lumix camera. It’s territory I’ve covered extensively using a 4×5 view camera, and it’s interesting to see how differently another photographer looks at the same subject.

Rodger often goes at things very frontally using the extended frame of his camera to its fullest. I caught Rodger in the act above firing away at a flaming doorway. He was kind enough to send me the result below.

Flaming door by Rodger Kingston

I didn’t take as many pictures during our walk as Rodger, but I felt I compelled every now and then to follow his lead. One result below.

Bowery restaurant supply with door
© Brian Rose

Be sure to visit Rodger Kingston’s SmugMug site to see more of his photographs including others shot during our walk together. Don’t miss his New American Photographs and recent photos made in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the footsteps of Walker Evans.