Washington, D.C./Ben’s Chili Bowl

Ben’s Chili Bowl — © Brian Rose

After a day of taking in museums and memorials along the Mall, we decided it was time for a little DC local flavor. I’ve always argued that Washington is a more interesting city than most people think once you get beyond the marble columns and vast expanses of public lawn.

So, up to 13th and U we headed to Ben’s Chili Bowl, about a block from the spot I wrote/sang about in my song Open All Night. “There’s news of a murder up a 14th and T/The waitress shivers with fright/As two cops tell a fish story/Open all night.” Here’s a recording of it.

Ben’s Chili Bowl — © Brian Rose

Ben’s is a diner specializing in cheap eats, namely half smokes slathered with chili, and other similar concoctions. It was there in the riots of 1968, and miraculously survived the rage that consumed and destroyed most of the businesses–many black-owned–that lined U Street. The area is now considerably gentrified, but still has its gritty aspects.

Ben’s is on a roll these days especially since Barack Obama paid the joint a surprise visit on January 10th. And it was mobbed by visitors to the capitol during the inauguration festivities a few weeks ago. As we queued up in the alley next door to the restaurant, the line minder, keeping us in order in a friendly but firm sort of way, said that the place had been crazy crowded since the inauguration.

Don’t think about your diet. Don’t think about your last meal at a Michelin starred restaurant. Don’t worry about your wallet in the midst of economic free fall–everything’s under 10 bucks. Just grab your chili dog and fries–definitely get a milkshake–and soak in the fluourescent glow of Ben’s Chili Bowl.