New York/Morning Walk

Houston and Mulberry Street — © Brian Rose

Most mornings I walk across town from my son’s school in the West Village to my office apartment just off the Bowery. I’ve been watching the construction of the apartment building above for quite some time. It’s almost finished, another new building entering the market at this particularly uncertain time. The architects are SHoP, one of the most innovative New York firms.

The Puck Building, Mulberry Street facade — © Brian Rose

Houston and Mulberry Street — © Brian Rose

It’s right across the street from the richly detailed brick of the Puck Building with its gold statue of Puck, “that shrewd and knavish sprite” from Shakespeare. My understanding is that the prefabricated brick panels used by SHoP were used to meet contextual zoning requirements. Brick vs. brick. Anyone who has walked along Houston Street in the immediate area knows–the Puck Building’s glory not withstanding–that anything goes here.

Houston and Mulberry Street — © Brian Rose

Houston and Lafayette Street — © Brian Rose

Despite the undulating facade, SHoP’s building feels somewhat reserved in this cacophonous context. But a bit of dignity, with a sly wink, might be the best policy with Puck himself looking on from across the street.