New York/LES

E7th Street/McSorley’s — © Brian Rose (4×5 film)

Here is the view camera version of the image of McSorley’s Ale House posted earlier. Line of out-of-towners waiting to get in, a limo idling, Cooper Union construction crane, and CU’s Foundation Building itself beyond. The greenish tower is the Gwathmey Siegel condominium on Astor Place.

2 thoughts on “New York/LES

  1. viclar

    I don’t understand the mention about a shoot with a 4×5 view camera

    For me it’s the same file as your pic posted on 2009-02-08 and tagged as digital pic

    Gas station down is a really a film pic?

    otherwise, I love your journal

  2. brnyc

    Oops. Not for the first time, I gave two files the same name, and the new one overwrote the old one.

    This image really is the 4×5 shot. I’ll have to go back and correct the previous one.

    Glad you enjoy the journal. It’s a lot of work sometimes, but mostly I love doing it.

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