St. Mary’s Church, Grand Street — © Brian Rose
Wednesday’s book launch was a big success. Over 100 people came to Clic Bookstore and Gallery–some old friends, my publisher Bill Diodato, and lots of people I was meeting for the first time–even a few of the ubiquitous moochers who took advantage of the beautiful catering provided by Downtown Kitchen. My 13 year old son arrived from a school baseball game wearing his uniform, a nice touch. My mother-in-law, An, from Amsterdam had flown in and was doing the town, staying in the new and hyper-chic Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg.
Most of the week was spent mailing out books to my Kickstarter backers and to those who had pre-ordered books from my website–more than a 100 books. My assistant Chris Gallagher and I made numerous trips back and forth to the post office, the mini-storage where the books are kept, and my studio on Stanton Street just off the Bowery. I am happy to announce that all of the Kickstarter books are now in the mail. We also began delivering books to stores around Manhattan.
A partial list of stores where Time and Space on the Lower East Side can be bought:
St. Mark’s Bookshop, Strand Bookstore, McNally Jackson, Dashwood Books, the New Museum, ICP, NYU Bookstore, the Museum of the City of New York, and the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn. Although I do best when books are ordered on my website, it would be nice to see people support their local bookstores. We are extremely fortunate here in New York to have such a large number of wonderful shops.
And that’s where this largely DIY publishing venture now stands. I need to sell 1,000 books to break even. I am doing everything I can to publicize Time and Space, but much depends on word of mouth. I believe that Time and Space is a classic photo book, and one of the few like it focused on New York City. Your support is greatly appreciated.