New York/AIPAD

Andrew Moore at AIPAD

Went to AIPAD (Association of International Photography Art Dealers) show at the cavernous Armory at 67th and Park Avenue with friends Art Presson and Eve Kessler.

Hard to come to any conclusions about the direction of photography from the multifarious offering on display. There was plenty of contemporary photography, but old masters reigned. The scuttlebutt is that super-sized prints are out–so yesterday, pre-recession.

The Andrew Moore picture, above, used for the show’s poster advertising hung adjacent some tables where we had lunch. An arresting image–a wide angle view of Times Square in all its intensity–I was bemused by the extreme saturation, especially in the yellows, and the hyper sharpening applied overall. The Pandora’s box of Photoshop. In contrast, was a beautifully rendered recent print from Joel Meyerowitz’s Cape Light series. It had all the lushness one would want, but retained a softer, more naturalistic quality.