Amsterdam/New York

Airtrain, JFK Airport

Life in transition. I’m back after several weeks of making the move from Amsterdam to New York. We are still eating on a cardboard box, but have generally made a successful landing in a beautiful apartment in the West Village near the Hudson River. For me, it’s less of a momentous move than for my wife Renée and son Brendan. After all, I’ve been commuting back and forth between Amsterdam and NYC for a long time. For all of us it’s an opportunity for a fresh start with new career and life opportunities. And I should now be able to pursue my art projects and architectural photography without the constant interruptions and dislocations of the past 10 years. I also hope to renew my ties with the New York songwriting scene that I used to be an active part of. So, stay tuned for lots more reports here and about town in 2007.