Category Archives: Photographers/Photography

New York/Varick Street

150 Varick Street, NYC – Brian Rose and Berenice Abbot

In 2009 I had an assignment to photograph the Hudson Square neighborhood of lower Manhattan. Hudson Square was once known as the Printing District because of the large number of printing businesses that occupied the massive loft buildings along Hudson and Varick Streets just north of Canal Street.

One of the photographs I made, on the left above, shows the impressive street wall along Varick. I printed it 4×5 feet, and it was hung on the client’s office wall.

What I didn’t know until very recently, was that Berenice Abbott had made a photograph from a similar perspective in 1935. I am familiar, of course, with Abbott’s work, especially her “Changing New York” book. I have always admired her photographs – even had a chance to meet her in 1980 – but have tended to look through her, probably unfairly, to Eugene Atget, whose documentation of Paris in transition is, for me, one of the pinnacles in the history of photography. Abbott, additionally, is responsible for bringing Atget’s work to the public, and his influence on her own work is widely acknowledged.

Varick Street 1935 – Berenice Abbot

I’ve been looking at the two photographs of Varick Street side by side. They appear, at first, to be near twins. But looking further, subtle differences multiply. Abbott was aware of the same receding street wall as I was, but she aimed her camera more squarely on the building at the corner, 150  Varick Street. It was built in 1926, just nine years before her photo was taken, an early example of Deco architecture, which was a style in full swing in 1935 when Abbott was roaming the city. To her, this building expressed modernity, beautifully juxtaposed against the elegant street lamp from an earlier era. The sign above the main entrance says Westinghouse Electronics, and the lettering near the corner says Radios and Radiotrons. The buildings beyond march to the edge of the frame as if in an endless parade, while a handful of cars and trucks occupy the wide thoroughfare. This is New York of the 1930s, a burgeoning metropolis emerging from the Great Depression, a city at the forefront of all that was new and forward-looking.

Varick Street 2009 – © Brian Rose

In my picture, I have pointed my camera up the avenue, including the line of receding buildings, but not focused on any of them individually. The street is jammed with vehicles barely moving as they approach the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. The flood of traffic suggests that the city has grown since 1935, and the automobile has taken over, and a previously two-way street is now purposed as a conduit funneling cars into the maw of the tunnel. My photograph differs from Abbott’s obviously by the presence of color. The composition is held together by a number of visual details – the couple at the center with the woman’s arm upraised – the double-decker tourist bus directly behind, slightly blurred, while everything else is still – the man almost falling out of the frame at the bottom left corner. And there are spots of color stretching across the frame – the blue banner, orange banner, and yellow walk/don’t walk boxes echoing the colors of the tour bus.

Despite the superficial similarities between the two pictures, they are not simply “then and now,” a popular photographic meme. They each express different intentions and different sensibilities, both anchored to the same precise spot in the city, an 86 year span of photographic history, and the ongoing evolution of New York.

New York/2020 (part 2)

After a horrendous early spring, the pandemic began easing in New York, but the overall mood remained tense, much as it had been during the past three years of the Trump presidency. On May 25th, in Minneapolis, George Floyd was murdered by police officers while under arrest. The killing set off a wave of protests across the country, and in NYC there were massive demonstrations, largely peaceful, throughout the city. At any given moment, multiple marches sprang up almost organically in one part of the city or another, often crossing the bridges between  Manhattan and Brooklyn. I made the photograph above as several thousand marchers paraded up Wythe Avenue just down the block from my apartment in Williamsburg.

The pandemic lockdown was over, ready or not, though most people masked up and kept their distance. I followed events closely, not certain what I might do next photographically. I’m not a photojournalist, though I stay tuned to current events. I do not chase ambulances. I stay back and take in the whole horizon.

In July I became aware that protests in Richmond in my home state of Virginia were focused on the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue. I realized immediately that this was something I needed to photograph. On July 10th the statue of Jefferson Davis, former president of the Confederacy, was toppled by protesters. Two days later I left for Richmond.

The discussion about whether they should be maintained or removed had been going on for years, and suddenly the debate became moot as protesters took ownership of the statues, especially the immense monument to Robert E. Lee, covering their pedestals with graffiti, staging events, and various performances in the large grassy traffic circle around Lee.

While the focus was on the Robert E. Lee statue, all of the monuments were covered with graffiti. Skateboarders took advantage of the sloping base of the J.E.B. Stuart statue, and people walked up and down the boulevard, taking snapshots. Many of the houses along Monument Avenue had signs expressing support for Black Lives Matter.  I noticed that I was not the only serious photographer documenting the scene. TV cameras were set up next to the Robert E. Lee statue as well.

Just off of Monument Avenue on Arthur Ashe Boulevard is a statue by the African American artist Kehinde Wiley. Wiley has been doing interesting work for years, but he became something close to a household name when he was commissioned by Barack Obama to do the official White House portrait. Many of his images, whether paintings or photographs, make use of historic, classical antecedents, often depicting contemporary Black men posing in a consciously stylized manner.

In Richmond, Wiley has created an equestrian statue modeled after the J.E.B. Stuart figure on Monument Avenue. In this piece, however, the swashbuckling general has been replaced by a contemporary Black youth astride a rearing horse, posed as if in the throes of battle. Seeing the two together, albeit at opposite ends of Monument Avenue, makes for a powerful juxtaposition.

As I worked on the Monument Avenue pictures I realized that this was a book I needed to make – quite different in concept from the Williamsburg book, which was more of an open-ended exploration of a landscape, but very much a part of the ongoing story of 2020. So, I ran another Kickstarter campaign, a little worried that following up so soon with a second campaign was not a good idea. But it went well, and I raised the money I needed to do Monument Avenue Richmond

Trump madness continued through the summer into the fall, and unsurprisingly, Trump refused to accept the decisive results of the November election. His campaign in 2016 began with a regal glide down the escalator of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue but ended (at least symbolically) ignominiously in the work yard of a landscaping company in Northeast Philadelphia.  While the 2020 votes were still being counted, the campaign announced on Twitter a press conference at the Four Seasons, which Trump assumed was the Four Seasons hotel in Center City Philadelphia. It was actually Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Why this location was chosen remains a mystery.

The media raced to the site, and Rudy Giuliani began his press conference, amid gardening equipment,  only to be interrupted by the announcement that the networks had called the election for Joe Biden. Many of the reporters dashed off while others decided to visit the immediate area, which included a crematorium and a sex shop called Fantasy Island.

I knew immediately that I needed to go to Philadelphia and photograph the landscape surrounding Four Seasons Total Landscaping. So, I rented a car, dragged my 22-year-old son along as bodyguard, and drove down, about 2 hours away from New York. The day was beautiful, the environment stunningly rich. At least rich to me. Wedged between Interstate 95 and the Amtrak tracks, it’s an area full of chop shops, small factories, warehouses, a scattering of houses, and a superfund site. Tall billboards punctuated the sky adjacent to I-95, and a Sunoco logo with an insistent arrow pointing down as if intentionally saying this is the place.

I would love to do a book of these images – a one day wonder – that documents this strange urban landscape off the beaten track where, somehow, the Trump campaign ended up. But I’ve already done two self-published books this year. Maybe I’ll do a Blurb book for me.

A few days after my impromptu trip to Philadelphia, I headed down to Richmond, Virginia. Since I was last there, the statues of J.E.B. Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, and Fontaine Maury have been removed from their pedestals, and the Jefferson Davis monument has been stripped of its commemorative plagues and the figure of Vindicatrix, representing the vindication of the Lost Cause, perched high on the central column, brought down. Robert E. Lee remains standing in legal limbo, and as result, continues to act as a magnet for political activities. Those behind the lawsuit to keep Lee on his pedestal are, unintentionally, maintaining the centrality of the transformed Lee statue as a symbol of Black Lives Matter and resistance to white supremacy.

In the meantime, I am pleased to announce that I have signed a contract with Circa Press, the publisher of my book, Atlantic City, to bring out Monument Avenue Richmond next fall. The book will include the new photographs of the empty pedestals.

It has been quite a year.

New York/2020 (part 1)

2020 has been an extraordinary year, to say the least, and it is not over yet. Despite all the derangement and turpitude of Trump, and despite the Covid-19 pandemic with its toll of death and social isolation, it has been a productive time for me as an artist and photographer.

This period of time actually begins for me in November of 2019 when I traveled to Berlin for the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall. The documentation of the former East/West border has been a lifelong project for me, and I have continued to follow developments in Berlin, particularly along the path of the Wall and the swath of no man’s land that once divided the city and surrounded its western half.

Although most of the Berlin Wall was torn down within months of its opening on 9 November 1989, there were several stretches that remained, most notably adjacent to the Topography of Terror site with its below-grade view of the foundation walls of the SS/Gestapo headquarters. Looming just beyond the Wall is the former Nazi air ministry headquarters. It’s a visual compression of history that I have photographed several times over the years – this time, the exhibition panels mounted against the brick wall were temporarily down, which I think makes the image stronger.

There are individual slabs of Wall still standing scattered about the city. Some moved a slight distance from their original positions like the two ivy-covered pieces above.

Berlin has much gravitas as a city possessing the weight of history, but it has also surrendered to a baffling amount of kitsch. Artifacts of its communist DDR days, mostly fake, are plied by vendors, and you can ride in an original East German Trabant at Trabiworld just across the street from the Topography of Terror. I guess it’s possible for the silly and the serious to coexist peacefully, but the juxtaposition is jarring, nevertheless.

Although I have already had some of this work published in “The Lost Border,” back in 2004, which includes pictures of the landscape of the Iron Curtain, there is another book here that focuses on Berlin alone. Very little of this work has been seen, and I hope to eventually do something with it.

During the winter months, I began adding to a body of work I’ve been gradually accumulating, of photographs of the High Line and the urban landscape surrounding it. I also have about 20 or 30 photographs of the area taken in 1985. The new pictures are not so much about the former rail viaduct itself, which was brilliantly reinterpreted by architects Diller Scofideo & Renfro, but about the way in which the elevated structure cuts through the fabric of the city, redefining space and architectural relationships. The High Line has, of course, also become a tourist attraction, and its presence has spurred development and gentrification, ironically, given the fact that real estate interests were originally against it. The story of the High Line is complex, but as a dynamic intervention in the urban landscape, it is fascinating and a visually rich subject.

I was just getting some momentum going on my HIgh Line project when the coronavirus pandemic hit. I remember sitting in a cafe with a friend showing him 8×10 work prints of my pictures realizing that this might be the last time we’d be able to do something like this for a while. He was planning on leaving town, and I was unsure what to expect going forward.

One of the last pictures I took during the winter before the Covid lockdown began was an image of a homeless man in the subway station at 8th Avenue and 14th Street. As a general rule, I do not seek out people in distress to photograph. Nor do I photograph people who are completely unaware of my presence. It’s not a hard and fast rule, exactly, but a self-enforced guideline I follow.

In this case, I walked by, noting the man out the corner of my eye, but within a split second came to a quick stop and circled back. I’m not sure how much of the details of this image I was able to process in the moment, but I knew there was something here besides a homeless man lying on the floor. The prostrate man was echoed by a man lying on the ground in the advertisement above. There was a hashtag, or number sign, in red floating over the image, which echoed the red worn by the homeless man. The grid of the hashtag echoed the grid of the sidewalk, the tiles of the subway station, and the tiles of the floor. The prosperous appearance of the men in the ad accentuated the difference seen in the man attempting to sleep on the floor of the subway. While two horses pulling a carriage approached from the right of the advertisement. It’s an enigmatic image – a little disturbing, perhaps.

In March the pandemic swept over the city. Most businesses and restaurants were forced to close, takeout and groceries excepted, schools closed, and what would normally be a time of release with people pouring into the parks as the weather warmed up, was, instead, a period of frozen suspended animation. The photograph above was taken during the first days of the lockdown. Trees flowering, empty streets and parks. Like nothing I’d ever seen in all my years in the city.

At the height of the lockdown it was still possible to take walks, and I began going out with my camera regularly. What started out as a casual bit of picture taking morphed into a full-blown project. I ended up making 16 walks through our neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn from about March 20th to April 20th. I realized while doing the project, that no one had really photographed Williamsburg, as famous a place as it is, in a comprehensive way.

What I found on the streets of Williamsburg was a city more diverse and idiosyncratic than I expected. The gentrification of the neighborhood was obvious, especially closest to Manhattan. But the photographs also show a place bedraggled and graffiti-covered, multi-ethnic, and often poor. There are distinct quarters: the orthodox Jewish enclave to the south where maskless crowds continued to congregate, and the adjacent Latino tenements and low-income projects. The streets around the massive Woodhull Medical Center on Broadway were littered with people who obviously had nowhere to go, also maskless. I often walked in the street to avoid this flotsam of downtrodden human beings. Ambulances passed frequently, sirens piercing the pandemic quiet.

At some point, I realized that this body of work was developing into something more deeply resonant than a simple documentation of a well-known place. I made a couple of attempts to find a publisher but quickly realized that I would have to do this on my own. I put together a Kickstarter campaign and raised the money I needed to print the book and get it out. The book is called “Williamsburg: In Time of Plague.”

To be continued…

Philadelphia/Four Seasons Landscaping

Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – © Brian Rose

Trump’s campaign began with the candidate regally gliding down an escalator in his eponymously named tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, and his bid for re-election ended, so to speak, with a bizarre Rudy Giuliani press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in northeast Philadelphia. The reason for the venue still not fully understood.

When I saw images of the locale and its immediate neighborhood with a sex shop and crematorium, I knew that this was a job for me – to explore this urban wilderness wedged between I-95 and the Amtrak mainline. Here begins a series of photographs of a richly forlorn place, the final resting place of a failed presidency.

Fantasy Island, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – © Brian Rose

Delaware Valley Cremation Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – © Brian Rose

Justin Davidson’s wrote in Curbed: “The end of an administration marked by episodes of sordid sex, wishful thinking, and mass death took place next door to a dildo-and-porn store named Fantasy Island and across the street from a crematorium. If you were hunting for such a symbolically rich stage, how would you even Google it?

The photos that emerged from the event had the tawdriness of America’s worst cityscapes and the richness of an allegorical painting.”

Fantasy Island, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – © Brian Rose

On Saturday, a steady trickle of gawkers stopped by on State Road for snapshots and selfies in front of  Four Seasons Total Landscaping and Fantasy Island. We noticed a few people in running gear, and one stopped to tell us that he was taking part in the “Fraud Street Run,” a pun on Broad Street Run, an annual event in Philadelphia. This one followed a course along the Delaware River from Four Seasons Landscaping to the Four Seasons hotel in Center City. Event organizer, Jeff Lyons said, “What Guiliani did was so crazy and hard to grasp, and with Trump bad-mouthing Philly, I thought it would be fun to turn it into something positive for Philly and raise some money for a good cause,”

We have clearly reached peak madness as the Trump reign of error disintegrates into a screwball comedy on the streets of Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – © Brian Rose

It was a brilliant fall day, crisp and comfortably cool. I didn’t cover the 11 miles of the Fraud Street run, but I did manage 4 or 5 miles around this weird corner of the city, the kind of place that exists only in America. It is a place that is at once richly evocative, colorful, and yet at the same time, a blown-out dead-end landscape, There are gas stations, body shops, an automobile auction, an archery center, baseball batting cages, a mattress outlet, a check casher, a chemical plant, metal recyclers, storefront churches, a smattering of clapboard houses, an abandoned Catholic orphanage, a superfund site, a marble stone cutter, and, of course, a sex shop, crematorium, and landscaper. It is not, generally, an area suited for pedestrians. It’s even a little dangerous.

New York/Monument Avenue Richmond

A very nice write-up about Monument Avenue Richmond in Architects + Artisans.

But they’re all symbols of a mindset that’s no longer credible. “The statues were erected after the Civil War, in a period of denial,” he says. “It certainly felt like this was a historic moment and needed to be documented.

”Rose had been in Berlin in 1989 when the wall there came down, and photographed it. Richmond, he thought, was on the cusp of the same kind of change. “There was a short moment when they took down the wall, before it moved into another period,” he says. “And this was similar.”

It feels like we’ve crossed a threshold to another era, but I worry that this moment will be as fleeting as that one. The opening of the Berlin Wall, and what it represented – the breaking down of political and cultural barriers – was obliterated a decade later in the fire and dust of the World Trade Center in New York – another threshold to a new, darker, chapter in history.

Jefferson Davis monument with members of the Daughters of the Confederacy

The Black Lives Matter movement and the removal of symbols of hatred and oppression – and necessarily the removal of Donald Trump – could signal a move forward to greater awareness of ongoing intolerance and injustice, and toward a more diverse, more inclusive society. Undoubtedly, the struggle will continue.

Their Lost Cause myths now exploded, their monuments’ time, too, has come and gone, though Rose is ambivalent on that subject. “I’m sympathetic to the desire to remove these things, but I’d almost like to see these symbols of evil remain in the center of Richmond, because removing them doesn’t remove the root cause,” he says.

The most powerful memorials to injustice disturb the status quo. They don’t aestheticize evil by abstracting it or normalizing it. We need reminders of our capacity to do harm manifest, visible, in the public square, not just entombed in museums. Richmond now has an opportunity to reconsider its past, and its role in the present, as former capital of the Confederacy, capital of Virginia, and, perhaps, emerging symbol of civic rebirth.

Rumor of War by Kehinde Wiley – © Brian Rose

New York/Monument Avenue Richmond

When I made the trip down to Richmond at the beginning of July to photograph the last days of the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue, I had mixed feelings about their impending removal. I was, to some extent, under the mistaken impression that these pompous generals on horseback were merely cartoonish caricatures from the past that no longer had much power to offend. But almost immediately after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, protests in Richmond focused on Monument Avenue’s statues, and these totems of the Lost Cause became charged, if they weren’t already, with significance and symbolism.

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond – © Brian Rose

Preorder Monument Avenue Richmond on Kickstarter

The scene around the Robert E. Lee statue, which stood in a large circular traffic island, was festive, its pedestal covered in graffiti, dozens of people talking with one another, making signs, manning information tables, I even saw dancers perform. Although there had been some pretty ugly confrontations with the police earlier, law enforcement was nowhere in sight while I was there. One of the national TV news networks had set up on the traffic circle with their camera, lights and folding chairs. Down the street, another TV reporter was broadcasting live from the J.E.B. Stuart statue.

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond – © Brian Rose

Once again I found myself photographing something that would soon cease to exist. As of this writing, all the Confederate statues have all been removed except for Lee who remains astride his horse Traveller, maintaining, so it seems, his dignity atop a plinth splashed with Day-Glo color and emblazoned with slogans and epithets. Such is the extent of the mythology around Lee that we remember his horse’s name 155 years since the end of the Civil War.

The Berlin Wall, 1989 – © Brian Rose

Preorder Monument Avenue Richmond on Kickstarter

The Confederate monuments in Richmond had been appropriated, taken possession of by the public – or at least a significant portion of the pubic – as interactive objets d’art. The performative aspect of it reminded me of the scene along the Berlin Wall in the weeks after its opening in 1989. That potent symbol of oppression had been transformed by crowds of people, Berliners and foreigners alike, chipping at the Wall, posing with East German guards who in the blink of an eye were no longer a menacing presence. As in Berlin, this transitory period of grace was short-lived. The once-powerful generals, emasculated, embarrased, in their spray-painted finery were unceremoniously carted away leaving behind abandoned plinths. The next chapter of the story remains to be written.

Preorder Monument Avenue Richmond on Kickstarter

New York/Richmond, Virginia

“Monument Avenue Richmond,” a follow-up to “In Time of Plague,” will be available soon for presales on Kickstarter. The two books share the same design elements and comprise a kind of diptych that frames the Covid-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests that overlapped each other in the spring and summer of 2020.

This video takes the viewer from the empty streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn to the final days of the Confederate statues in Richmond.

New York/Paul Fusco

Just heard that the photographer Paul Fusco passed away. Back in 2008, I posted the following essay about his photographs made while traveling on the Robert Kennedy funeral train. It is a powerful series of images that have always resonated deeply with me.

Paul Fusco, RFK funeral train, 1968

I was 14 years old in 1968, undoubtedly the most tumultuous year since World War II–at least in the western world. Although I was too young to be seriously engaged in what was going on, I was acutely aware of the epic events occurring–Vietnam, civil rights, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, and the violent end to Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia.

Two exhibits I visited recently in New York touch on events of 1968: Paul Fusco at Danziger Projects (show closed October 4) and Josef Koudelka at Aperture. Fusco photographed Robert Kennedy’s viewers of the funeral train as it made its way from New York to Washington, D.C.

I remember well watching the railroad cortege on television as it passed the thousands of people who lined the tracks. I also have a distinct memory of a brief bit of video shown once, in which a train coming from the opposite direction mowed down a number of people standing on the tracks adjacent to the funeral train.

Paul Fusco, RFK funeral train, 1968

When I first saw the Fusco pictures, I was immediately swept back to the sorrow and apprehension of that time, to the fear and uncertainty that I have never been able to shake, a fear that rises to the surface today as a black man carrying the hope embodied in the Kennedy brothers nears the presidency, as earthshaking economic events rumble around us.

Fusco’s photographs were very simply made. On assignment from Look magazine, he rode the funeral train and did what he could from a fixed vantage point. He aimed his camera at the crowds and small knots of people standing at relaxed attention, some waving, some saluting, troubled, saddened faces, staring, transfixed, as the rail coaches slid by.

Paul Fusco, RFK funeral train, 1968

Fusco made his photos on 35mm Kodachrome, a vibrant slide film that stands up well over time unlike early color negative film, which tends to shift color and fade. As a result, these images from 40 years ago seem fresh and immediate, which makes them emotionally all the more jarring. The people depicted came “as-they-were” in a colorful array of flowered prints and decidedly unfunereal stripes and plaids. It was June and people came in shorts, bathing suits, sandals and bare feet. And although it was 1968, one sees scant evidence of the psychedelic trappings that so dominate our collective memory of the era.

The train passed through rural areas, small cities like Trenton, and big ones like Philadelphia and Baltimore where the faces are mostly black, people standing in scruffy backyards and vacant areas along the tracks. Some of these neighborhoods were in the midst of violent upheaval as racial frustrations boiled over after the murder of Martin Luther King. Fusco’s pictures, while freezing the momentary unity of grief, also reveal the racially segregated nature of a society coming apart at the seams.

Paul Fusco, RFK funeral train, 1968

Because the train remained in motion, most of Fusco’s photographs were necessarily made on the fly. They are fleeting glimpses, poignant, abbreviated moments of individual solitude among crowds. Fusco focused on the motionless people, rotating his head and camera slightly to stay fixed on his subjects, as the train moved horizontally. The blurring of the surrounding landscape further isolates the figures and creates a model-like hyper-reality, akin to recent narrow focus imagery created in Photoshop.

The images have a posed quality as well, due to the fact that people had staked out viewing positions, sometimes awkwardly balancing on steep embankments or even standing on elevated objects. As the train went by they looked intently at the coaches and often their eyes met the gaze of the photographer. In Fusco’s photographs this relationship creates a strange and compelling phenomenon–they seem to look at us as we look at them. Do we recognize ourselves?


Paul Fusco’s photographs have been collected in a handsome book, RFK, published by Aperture. It tries to be both a tribute to Bobby Kennedy and an art photo book, which I think is a little forced. The book starts with pictures not taken from the train of the memorial service held in St. Patrick’s Cathedral and ends with the funeral in Washington. I would be happier without these bookends.

Paul Fusco at Danziger Projects • Brendan, my son, at left (digital)

The images as printed in the book, however, are nicer than the gallery prints, which are somewhat harsh and over saturated. The slightly more muted tones in the book seem more natural to me. Kodachrome is a punchy color material, but I don’t think prints have to mimic the straight slide film.

Richmond/Monument Avenue

Monument Avenue: Grand Boulevard of the Lost Cause

The mysteries of my family history haunt me to this day. At times I have confronted my southern heritage directly, at other times I have run from it. Tomorrow I confront. I am driving to Richmond with my son to photograph the final days of the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue.

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

The scene I found in Richmond was extraordinary. Only a week earlier peaceful protesters surrounding the Lee monument were attacked with tear gas, pepper spray and pellets. Now, the protesters had, at least for the moment, occupied the circular park around Lee and appropriated the statue both physically and symbolically, altering its meaning. The atmosphere was jubilant.

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

At one point, a rather fierce-looking motorcycle gang roared up and parked adjacent to the Robert E. Lee statue, and my first thought was “this is trouble.” But they turned out to be the Redrum Motorcycle Club, a Native American club, based in Brooklyn, there to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protesters.

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

When the Lee statue was unveiled in 1890, thousands applauded the honoring of the South’s greatest hero. Black citizens were not among them. The black-owned Richmond Planet wrote at the time: “This glorification of States Rights Doctrine – the right of secession, and the honoring of men who represented that cause…will ultimately result in handing down to generations unborn a legacy of treason and blood…”

Robert E. Lee statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

A statue of Confederate general Stonewall Jackson stands to the west of Lee on Monument Avenue. Jackson was one of the most venerated of Confederate heroes – the notion that the war might have turned out differently had he not been killed by friendly fire at Chancellorsville has long been a key point of speculation in Lost Cause mythology.

Stonewall Jackson statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Just two weeks since I made my trip to Richmond, the city has removed the Stonewall Jackson statue that stood on Monument Avenue and Arthur Ashe Boulevard. My understanding is that the city intends to remove all of the Confederate Civil War statues as soon as possible. The Robert E. Lee monument remains in dispute because of a lawsuit claiming that the deed for the property requires the city to maintain the monument.

Today, I watched the removal of Jackson live on the internet as riggers swaddled the statue in straps, sawed off the bolts at the base, and lifted the whole thing off the pedestal, setting it gently on the street. Jackson will be placed in storage for the time being.

Stonewall Jackson statue, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Last paragraph of a letter to Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney in 2017:

While we do not purport to speak for all of Stonewall’s kin, our sense of justice leads us to believe that removing the Stonewall statue and other monuments should be part of a larger project of actively mending the racial disparities that hundreds of years of white supremacy have wrought. We hope other descendants of Confederate generals will stand with us.

As cities all over the South are realizing now, we are not in need of added context. We are in need of a new context—one in which the statues have been taken down.

William Jackson Christian
Warren Edmund Christian
Great-great-grandsons of Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson

J.E.B. Stuart, Frederick Moynihan, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

The most animated of the statues along Monument Avenue is that of Confederate general J.E.B. Stuart. It stands in a small traffic circle and its sloped base attracts wheeled acrobatics – at least it does now.

J.E.B. Stuart, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

J.E.B. Stuart, Frederick Moynihan, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Jefferson Davis Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

All the statues along Monument Avenue in Richmond are problematic, but none more so than the Jefferson Davis monument. Two nights before I arrived, protesters pulled down the statue of Davis that stood on a pedestal in the center of an elaborate classical pavilion.

Inscriptions on the plaques and stone surfaces extoll the heroism of the Confederate army and navy, and Davis, the president of the Confederacy, himself.

Jefferson Davis Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

A woman walks by the empty pedestal where Jefferson Davis statue once stood. The monument as a whole, however, is more than a tribute to Davis. It is a shrine to the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, an ideology based on white supremacy cloaked in words like “freedom” and “rights.” On pillars to the left and right of Davis are tablets inscribed with the poeticized rhetoric of a death cult.

If to die nobly be ever the proudest glory of virtue, this of all men has fortune greatly granted to them, for yearning with deep desire to clothe their country with freedom now at the last they rest full of an ageless fame.

Glory ineffable these around their dear land wrapping, wrapt around themselves the purple mantle of death. Dying they died not at all. But from the grave and its shadows valor invincible lifts them glorified ever on high.

Jefferson Davis Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

With constancy and courage unsurpassed he sustained the heavy burden laid upon him by his people. When their cause was lost, with dignity he met defeat. With fortitude he endured imprisonment and suffering. With entire devotion he kept the faith.

Jefferson Davis Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Jefferson Davis Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Matthew Fontaine Maury Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – Brian Rose

While Monument Avenue is infamous for its Confederate generals, there are two other statues. The oddest, perhaps, is the statue for Matthew Fontaine Maury, who was one of the leading oceanographers of the 19th century. He served in the Confederate navy, but his role was limited. Unfortunately, his accomplishments have been eclipsed by his allegiance to the Confederacy.

Matthew Fontaine Maury Monument, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – Brian Rose

His statue was done by the same sculptor, Frederick Sievers, as Stonewall Jackson just walking distance away. It shows Maury seated with a globe and various creatures above him.

When I was there, a swath of purple paint had been applied to his plinth, but I’m guessing the protesters didn’t know quite what to make of this once famous, but now obscure, figure.

Maury was removed from his pedestal yesterday, July 1, 2020.

Arthur Ashe Monument – Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

In 1996 the city erected a statue of Arthur Ashe as a counter-narrative to the glory of the Confederacy. Ashe was a Richmond native, tennis champion, civil rights activist, and advocate for AIDS victims. It was a splendid idea to honor Ashe with a monument.

Arthur Ashe Monument – Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Unfortunately, the statue is an aesthetic disaster, and it’s located at the western end of the avenue where the architectural elegance of The Fan District of Richmond has given way to suburban-style houses. Ashe stands at the top of a cylindrical plinth brandishing a book and a tennis racket while several children reach upward as if pleading for mercy. A powerful figure of Ashe against the sky might have worked, or an approachable Ashe closer to ground level might have worked.

This statue is neither here nor there, and would probably be better not here at all

United Daughters of the Confederacy, Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

Just a few blocks to the south of the intersection of Monument Avenue and Arthur Ashe Boulevard – where the Stonewall Jackson statue stood until recently – the headquarters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy sits aloof like a mausoleum of white Georgia marble. Confederate-era cannons flank the entry with its enormous bronze doors.

The night before I arrived, protesters attacked the building with incendiary devices setting off a fire that damaged the library inside and left scorch marks – along with graffiti – on the pristine white facade. The grounds in front of the building were cordoned off with yellow police tape, and several security guards patrolled the pathway leading up to the entrance.

The UDC was the sponsor and defender of many of the Confederate monuments in Richmond and elsewhere. And although their official literature renounces racism and hate groups, their history is highly problematic, to say the least. Through educational outreach and various forms of propaganda, the UDC has done more than any other organization to promote the pernicious myths of the Lost Cause.

Rumors of War, Kehinde Wiley, Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts stands directly next door to the UDC, and in a grassy space in between, a statue by Kehinde Wiley, very much in the spirit of Confederate generals on Monument Avenue, stands on a pedestal, untouched by BLM protesters.

From the VMFA website:

As a direct response to the Confederate statues that line Monument Avenue in Richmond, Wiley conceived the idea for Rumors of War when he visited the city in 2016 for the opening of Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic at VMFA. Rumors of War takes its inspiration from the statue of Confederate Army General James Ewell Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart created by Frederick Moynihan in 1907. As with the original sculpture, the rider strikes a heroic pose while sitting upon a muscular horse. However, in Wiley’s sculpture, the figure is a young African American dressed in urban streetwear. Proudly mounted on its large stone pedestal, the bronze sculpture commemorates African American youth lost to the social and political battles being waged throughout our nation.

Rumors of War, Kehinde Wiley, Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

J.E.B. Stuart Monument, Frederick Moynihan, Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

New York/Richmond, Virginia

Jefferson Davis gravesite, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia – © Brian Rose

I was born and raised in Virginia, and my family lived two years in Richmond. We moved to Williamsburg down the peninsula after that. I attended the University of Virginia before departing for New York where I have lived for most of my life.

Some of my ancestors were slave owners. One or more of my ancestors were Creek Indians. Some of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution. My great, great, great grandfather on my mother’s side was a corporal in the Confederate army – he died in the Battle of Vicksburg. My uncle had a hog trucking business located in Courtland, Virginia, where Nat Turner led his bloody slave uprising in 1831. My father told me that he once woke in the middle of the night to a cross burning in their front yard. They were targeted by the KKK. I do not know why. The mysteries of my family history haunt me to this day. At times I have confronted my southern heritage directly – at other times I have run from it. Tomorrow I confront.

I am driving to Richmond with my son to photograph the final days of the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue. Protesters pulled down Jefferson Davis last night. The plinth of Robert E. Lee is covered in graffiti. J.E.B. Stuart and Stonewall Jackson’s days are numbered. I don’t know what to expect but am prepared for anything.

New York/Williamsburg, Brooklyn

McCarren Park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn – Covid-19 lockdown – © Brian Rose

In 1981, the songwriter Jack Hardy and I created something called the Fast Folk Musical Magazine. It was a monthly album/publication that was recorded in a home studio and typed up on an IBM Selectric. The recordings were simple, unadorned, mostly first takes. The idea was to provide a platform for a community of songwriters mostly ignored by the music industry. We had no money, only time, and youthful energy. That project, now archived by the Smithsonian Institute, was an extraordinary demonstration of what can be done when the electricity of the moment is harnessed.

Creativity, often, comes with a sense of urgency or topicality that either finds an outlet or is lost. Sometimes, it’s necessary to seize the moment and work around established parameters. And sometimes it’s necessary, even, to take to the streets, as we are seeing so vividly.

McCarren Park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn – 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence – © Brian Rose

I began shooting “In Time of Plague” in the third week of March when the Covid-19 lockdown went into effect, and I should have books by the third week of June. Three months from start to finish.

Wythe Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

In a picture I took a few days ago of protesters marching through Williamsburg, one is seen holding a sign that says “White Supremacy is the Virus.” Susan Sontag in 1978 argued persuasively against the idea of illness as metaphor, and she was right, that once a cure for a disease is found, the romantic associations attached to that particular malady tend to fall away.

But we are presently in a moment of both corporal and spiritual affliction in which metaphor and reality become intertwined.

New York/Frances Goldin

rances Goldin at City Hall with the Cooper Square urban renewal model.

Within a few months of arriving in New York in 1977, I met three extraordinary individuals who influenced the trajectory of my life in profound ways. One was my professor at Cooper Union, Joel Meyerowitz, who was a pioneer of color photography. The second was Jack Hardy, songwriter, and leader of the Greenwich Village folk scene. Hardy died seven years ago and I wrote an extended essay about him here. The third was Frances Goldin, the guiding force behind the Cooper Square Committee, a housing advocacy organization located on East 4th Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue.

Having begun my studies as an urban design major in the architecture school of the University of Virginia, the work of the committee was of particular interest to me. I was subletting an apartment in a city-owned tenement that was part of the Cooper Square urban renewal area, which covered a dozen blocks of the East  Village,  and as I discovered, was originally slated for demolition and replacement with low-income projects. It was a typical Robert Moses slash and burn initiative, the kind that had already reshaped the topography of extensive parts of the city. Moses’ bulldozers were kept at bay here, and his plan to run an expressway through Soho and the Lower East also came to a grinding halt, though not before dozens of buildings were torn down near the Williamsburg Bridge and thousands displaced. Those vacant lots stood empty for 50 years – a book could be written about the epic struggle over that site – until 2011 when an agreement was reached with the community to allow rebuilding.

Seward Park Urban Renewal Area in 1980 – photo © Brian Rose/Edward Fausty

One of the key figures in stopping these two projects was Frances Goldin. She and Jane Jacobs, who wrote The Death and Life of Great American Cities, were aligned in the fight against Moses’ freeway, and she and urban planner Walter Thabit came together to defeat Moses in Cooper Square, in part, by proposing an alternate plan that preserved the right of residents to return to any new housing built on the site. Jacobs’ simple idea – which at the time bucked conventional thinking – was that cities were just fine the way they were. That fine-grained neighborhoods were preferable to towers-in-the-park mega-developments, and ultimately, that people should come before infrastructure.

Cover of Time and Space on the Lower East Sode – East 4th Street 1980 – © Brian Rose/Edward Fausty

When I first got involved with the Cooper Square Committee I was perceived as a somewhat suspect outsider. Frances Goldin was 30 years older than I, a born and bred New Yorker, Jewish, and an openly avowed communist. I was a newcomer from Virginia, an artist attending an elite college, and while politically engaged, hardly sympathetic to an economic theory that had inspired ruthless dictatorships like the Soviet Union and China. On paper, this should not have led to a productive and warm relationship.

The fact that it did, I ascribe largely to Fran, who it turns out, welcomed everyone into the fold as long as you shared the same basic goals, which centered on preserving and creating affordable housing and organizing people against the powers that be. The way in which she assumed the role as spokesman for poor people of color sometimes gave me pause, but she never wavered in her commitment, and never gave anyone reason to doubt her sincerity. And as a result, she built strong bridges between ethnic groups, particularly with the large Latino community on the Lower East Side.

In 1980, when I joined Cooper Square’s steering committee, Walter Thabit’s alternate plan for the neighborhood was, to a great extent, moribund. Although it had survived multiple changes in City Hall, the free-flowing tap of money for housing from the federal government had slowed to a trickle, making new construction, which was a basic component of Thabit’s plan, unworkable. Following the lead of steering committee member Chuck Ritchie, I argued that we should shift our focus to preserving the existing tenement buildings and limiting new construction to the largely vacant sites on either side of Houston Street. One piece of the alternate plan was finally built at the corner of Stanton Street and the Bowery, but budget constraints resulted in a building stripped of almost all architectural merit. It was much-needed housing – and still is – but created a deadening presence on the street. It is a monolithic brick edifice partially set back from the street with no shops or “eyes on the street,” the opposite of Jane Jacobs’ concept of urbanity.

Cooper Square Urban Renewal Area 1980 – © Brian Rose/Edward Fausty

Eventually, the Cooper Square Committee hammered out a memorandum of understanding with the city green lighting new development on the largely vacant lots on Houston Street, and the rehabilitation of the tenement buildings on 3rdand 4th Streets. A quarter of the new development was subsidized housing, and when you added in the preservation of the existing housing, it came to almost 1,000 units of low-cost housing. In getting to that agreement, which was approved by Mayor David Dinkins, I participated in a series of difficult but ultimately productive meetings with Fran and city representatives. I was sometimes the lead negotiator for our side, but everyone knew that it was only with Goldin’s assent that things would go forward. I knew that she would never back down from our core goals, and the city understood that our strength as sponsoring organization lay in a highly engaged constituency and well-developed political alliances. Our power to negotiate was achieved by years of organizing and protesting – that was Frances Goldin.

But there was something else. Frances Goldin was inspirational. She was eloquent, charismatic, and brilliant, and that overflowing cornucopia of qualities made her a formidable presence. You could not say no to Frances Goldin. If we needed a spread of food for a meeting, she would go to Abe Lebwohl of the Second Avenue Deli and ask him to donate. He could not refuse. When she demanded that the city include a community swimming pool in the new development to replace one lost years before, the city could not say no. And when she demanded that the Liz Christy Garden at the Bowery and Houston be preserved, the city could not say no.

In 1987 a group of young Dutch students came to New York to study the effects of gentrification, which even then, was a hot topic. The students gathered in the Cooper Square office and Frances Goldin talked about the history of the organization, our achievements, and what we hoped to accomplish in the future. One of the students present was Renee Schoonbeek, who said that Fran looked out at the group and focusing her eyes on her said, “we need you to help us in what we are doing.”

That appeal resonated with Renee, who two years later came back to New York with her friend Josja van der Veer, to intern with the Cooper Square Committee. Together we worked on a plan to place all of the renovated tenement buildings into a mutual housing association, an innovative tenant coop designed to maintain low-cost housing into perpetuity. Key players in that effort were Val Orselli, long-time Cooper Square director, and urban planner Brian Sullivan. That organization continues to manage and maintain over two dozen apartment buildings.

Renee and I worked closely together for several months attending meetings that were often contentious and even dispiriting. But we persevered, and our relationship deepened. Renee, on a temporary visa, had to return to the Netherlands, and as I like to say, the separation failed. We were married in 1993, and Renee went on to become a successful urban planner, and we have a son Brendan who is studying journalism. Josja is now the head of real estate for the Vrije Universiteit (Free University) in Amsterdam.

I have no doubt that it was Frances Goldin’s entreaty to come help that brought us together.

Frances Goldin and I at an exhibition about the Seward Park Urban Renewal area.

One of the last times I saw Fran before her passing a week ago, I asked her if she felt that she, and we collectively, had been successful in our efforts. She said, “Yes, absolutely. We won.” She was right, but I was almost surprised to hear it from someone who believed that the fight was never-ending. She knew what she had accomplished, and I was gratified that at the end of her life she felt that sense of closure, even triumph. What a life, lived to the fullest.

New York/Williamsburg

In Time of Plague is a comprehensive portrait of Williamsburg, Brooklyn made at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. I made 16 walks through the neighborhood, reaching virtually every corner of this sprawling part of the city.

I have witnessed this city’s ups and downs for almost five decades – the bankrupt 70s, AIDs in the 80s, 9/11, Hurricane Sandy, and the city’s recent economic ascendance. This Spring, with the trees bursting into bloom, the city that never sleeps came to an almost unthinkable halt. These photographs document that moment when time seemed to freeze, when the crowds dispersed, when the stage was left vacant, and, for once, the show did not go on.

In Time of Plague, the book, will soon be available for presale on Kickstarter.
The link is here

I could have taken my time, and shopped the book concept around with publishers. But there are times when the urgency of the moment requires more speed. This, I believe, is one of those moments. I hope you will support the project on Kickstarter.

New York/Peter Beard (and me)

Peter Beard (on ladder) and Marvin Israel at ICP, 1977 – photo by Orin Langelle

One of the first jobs I had in New York while attending Cooper Union was as a part-time exhibition installer at the International Center of Photography. As fate would have it the first big show I worked on was the infamous Peter Beard extravaganza “The End of the Game.” It was quite an introduction to the New York world of money and glamor. Beard was a lanky, blond, dashing adventurer/photographer who championed the cause of protecting the wild game of Africa, elephants in particular. He died recently on Montauk at 82, suffering from dementia he wandered away and was missing for a number of days before his body was found.

Peter Beard retrieve tattered mural (that’s me on the far right) – photo by Orin Langelle

In 1977, ICP was housed in a mansion on 94th Street on the corner of Fifth Avenue. It was a beautiful space for photography, though difficult to work with because its interiors, including wood paneling and wainscoting, had to be preserved. Guest designer extraordinaire Marvin Israel was brought in to transform the galleries into an immersive environment with floor pieces and tableaus evoking the African savanna, and on the outside corner of the building, a giant JR sized black and white image of an elephant. The wind blew it down shortly after its mounting, and much hilarity ensued as we ran out into Fifth Avenue collecting the tattered shreds of canvas.

Beard was present and hands-on throughout the installation of the exhibit often with one or more fashion models in tow, and the buzz about him was palpable. To his credit, he was very nice to those of us working on the show. But let me just say that this exhibit was one absolutely over the top mishegoss, a funhouse display of Beard’s elaborate diaries, photographs, collected objects, and the charred remnants of his archive largely destroyed in a house fire. There was something deeply disturbing to me about the whole enterprise, not the least of which was the way that Beard came off as a great white hunter, albeit with a camera, who while acting to save the animals of Africa was simultaneously romanticizing and fetishizing an Africa that we would now characterize as a neo-colonial western perspective.

Andy Warhol at the Peter Beard opening at ICP – photo by Orin Langelle

The opening at ICP was a mosh pit of the rich and famous including Jackie Kennedy, Kurt Vonnegut, and Andy Warhol. That was the closest I ever got to Warhol until a few years later when one of my photographs was hung next to one of his prints in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. But I digress. Larry Fink, one of my professors at Cooper photographed the opening and made some great images. I guess everybody headed for Studio 54 after that – I ended up back at my tenement on East 4th Street. The things is, I could not understand what the whole whoop-de-doo around Peter Beard was all about. I still can’t.

Peter Beard opening at ICP – photo by Larry Fiink

Even in death, his mystique continues. The Times in an obituary for the ages described him as “as an amorous, bibulous, pharmaceutically inclined man about town.” I came across a piece by Anna Winand who was Cornell Capa’s (director of ICP) assistant who describes his presence in the same melodramatic fashion: “His wild African energy was overwhelming; when he was at ICP the building shook.” I don’t remember any shaking myself, but she then recalls an incident that I was very much a part of. She writes: “What I do remember is Peter asking me to call the Central Park Zoo for elephant turd. I did, we got some, and Peter placed a pile in each of the two fireplaces.”

I was the guy who went and fetched the elephant turd from the zoo. Two green trash bags of it.

New York/From the Williamsburg Bridge

I walked up the Williamsburg Bridge the other day and made this photograph. I timed it for the light and knew the spot from previous walks. Most of the bridge walkway is surrounded by a chainlink-like mesh, but there are places where you can wedge a small camera lens in between.

It’s a view that in one swoop takes in so much of what Williamsburg is about in 2020. There are still a few 19th-century houses and tenements, low one-story factory buildings, large loft buildings, and recently, many new condominiums. Everything not actively maintained is covered in graffiti, and murals decorate many of the sides of older buildings. You can just make out the Manhattan Bridge to the right of the glass towers that stand on the edge of the East River.

From the Williamsburg Bridge – South 6th and Wythe Avenue – © Brian Rose

From the Williamsburg Bridge – South 6th and Wythe Avenue – photo by Joji Hashiguchi

I came across the image above by the Japanese photographer Jaji Hashiguchi. It is essentially the same view as my photo made around 1980. It’s not typical of Hashiguchi’s deeply resonant street-oriented photography from that era, but it provides topographical context for his more intimate views of young people in Tokyo, New York, and Berlin. His book, “We Have No Place to Be 1980-1982,” has recently been re-released.

There are only a few shared reference points in my image and Hashiguchi’s – the Manhattan Bridge tower, the brick smokestack at center right, and the one-story building at the corner of Wythe and South 6th at bottom left. The large loft building at rear left in Hashiguchi’s image is still there, but is now obscured by new buildings.

It’s an incredible juxtaposition.

We Have No Place to Be 1980-1982 



New York/In Time of Plague

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

I’ve now made nine walks through Williamsburg in the past couple of weeks – basically since the coronavirus crisis took hold. There are some photographs that include evidence of the epidemic, but most do not. Although I have made photographs on rainy days, the weather, in general, has been beautiful as early Spring in New York tends to be. The trees are blooming, daffodils are poking up everywhere, and it has become hard to decide what to wear – too cold for short sleeves, but too warm for a coat.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

I am reminded of what I said to another photographer many years ago. Someone who was having a hard time adjusting to the wave of color taking over the architectural photography field, and photography in general. He was troubled by the insipidness of color – he said that is was too cheerful, too glib.

He knew, of course, that I was an early adopter of color, someone who had made the break from black and white and never looked back. My response was that I did not uncritically assign meaning to color – that I believed these were cultural cliches to be resisted. A blue sky was a blue sky, not a signifier of something predetermined. I was aware, naturally, of the tendency for people to make these associations – I took that into account when making my pictures. But on principle, I let the facts speak for themselves, and people could make of it what they wanted.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

Woodhull Medical Center, Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

And so here we are. The city in the grip of a plague. The streets largely empty, and the weather does not care. The sky relentlessly blue, or just blue because it is.

New York/Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

I have now made six walks through Williamsburg, Brooklyn since hunkering down with my family. Maintaining distance from others has been easy given that there are few people in the streets. It is an eerie feeling – as if I have the whole city to myself. Other than the emptiness, there are only a few signs that the city is in distress. An artist has stenciled some relevant messages. People line up for supermarkets and pharmacies, which are limiting the number of patrons at any one time. Lots of people are wearing masks.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

I am calling my new (unwelcome) project Williamsburg, Brooklyn – In Time of Plague. I have thought of photographing the neighborhood before but always rejected the idea because I didn’t feel I had an angle or overarching narrative that made sense. I don’t, generally, do random documentations of places. I need some sort of conceptual basis, a germinative idea, or a historical imperative. I have that now.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

What I hope to accomplish is a series of photographs that freezes this neighborhood at a particular moment in time with all the pictures made over a period of just a few weeks. It will be a portrait of Williamsburg – a place that conjures many different preconceptions – most of which are wrong. Despite a wave of gentrification, especially on the Manhattan side of the neighborhood, it remains an extremely diverse quarter of New York. The juxtapositions of new and old, rich and poor, residential and industrial, are often jarring, unexpected. Graffiti seems to have taken over every untended surface. It is visually a fascinating place where beauty is often found camouflaged in a rough and tumble urban landscape.

New York/In Time of Plague

A more fleshed version of my previous post.

McCarren Park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

In Time of Plague

As a photographer, the concept of sheltering in place is foreign to my instincts, but here in New York, in the midst of this invisible infectious storm, we have been ordered to stay at home. However, we are permitted the liberty of taking walks as long as we maintain the requisite social distance of six feet (2 meters). So, I’ve been walking the streets and parks of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, largely devoid of human presence, a stage set without actors, and no audience, still brightly lit. It is a troubling, but strangely beautiful moment in the history of this dynamic city, the daily ebb and flow of commuters from the suburbs frozen, and the countless flights from abroad grounded. We are alone in the world together – all nine million of us.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

Having done this work a long time – documenting the urban landscape – I understand the value of taking a patient measure of change and continuity in contrast to the more episodic nature of photojournalism. In 1980 I photographed the Lower East Side at a time when New York was crumbling, and many had given up on the city. In retrospect, it turned out to be a moment of rebirth more than a moment of decline. My photographs serve as a record of that inflection point in history.

A few years later, I photographed the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall. I did not know when I started that project that the wall would soon open, that democracy would sweep across eastern Europe, and my work would constitute a key document of that time.

Before 9/11, I made many photographs of lower Manhattan that included the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers as ubiquitous signposts on the skyline. After their destruction, I continued to photograph the site, collecting visual evidence, following the gradual rebuilding of the city. I had no special access. No commission. I just did what I do as a photographer.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

The greatest lesson for me, as obvious as it may be, is to never take anything for granted. Even the most seemingly permanent of structures – physical, political, cultural – can disappear in the blink of an eye. The present is quite likely another pivotal moment in history. It will test our resilience as urban animals, human beings, living in a complex, dense environment. It will test our institutions and possibly our democracy.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose

The pictures I am taking are not dramatic depictions of the calamity that has befallen New York. They are simply what I see walking the streets in this “time of plague.” The trees are blooming, and the sky is blue, adding insult to injury. Or perhaps, signaling hope that we will come through this stronger as we have come through great upheavals in the past.

Manhattan skyline from Williamsburg, Brooklyn – © Brian Rose