New York/Berlin: In From the Cold

I’ve been working on my Berlin photographs since my trip there in December, which coincided with the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall. I have integrated those pictures into the series, and have decided to put it all up on the web. Here is the title web page:

The website is more or less done, although the photos are not clickable for larger images yet. Nor have I linked the site to my homepage. But here is a sneak preview. Or click on the image above. UPDATE: images now clickable.

I have also updated my Blurb book proposal, which has been changed to a smaller size–8×10–and currently available for purchase as I cast about for a publisher or exhibition opportunity. The 8×10 version of the book is much more affordable, and is available in soft and hardcover. If it ever gets published it will likely end up altered in some way. So this is my unedited presentation of the photographs. Since I did the book without a graphic designer, I kept the layout simple. Feel free to preview the book below. Click on full screen to see it properly.

This website and book represent a huge effort on my part done over a long span of time–1985 to 2009. About 14 trips all together. About 1/3 of the pictures were included in the Lost Border book, but the rest have never been published or exhibited. It only became clear to me that I had a separate story focused on Berlin after I had completed the Lost Border.

I’m off to San Francisco in a few days to photograph some buildings for architect David Baker. I’ll be blogging from the Bay Area, one of my favorite places.

New York/Soho

Prince and Greene Streets — © Brian Rose

My morning walk across Lower Manhattan, sometimes Houston Street, sometimes Prince. This is the Richard Haas mural going all the way back to 1975 when Soho was still factories and artists’ lofts. I’m not sure of its current status–but it’s clearly in need of restoration. It’s a bit kitschy, but that’s always been something Haas flirts with.

Prince Street and Broadway — © Brian Rose

Prince and Mulberry Street — © Brian Rose

The recent northeaster left a lot of damage in the area, trees down, flooding. But this appears to be an umbrella disaster. An accumulation of broken umbrellas blown into a vacant lot. Or rather placed there. I once thought of photographing broken umbrellas and juxtaposing them with pictures of an elephant graveyard in the manner of Peter Beard–but wisely didn’t do it.

Houston and the Bowery — © Brian Rose

Walking figures. We’ve been here before. You can see a similar view taken with the view camera from my Lower East Side series.

New York/Chelsea

W21st Street — © Brian Rose

W21st Street — © Brian Rose

Waiting with other anxious parents in front of Clinton Middle School for my son who was taking an entrance test. Nothing else to do but take pictures.

Story about the Kahn’s Trenton bath house  with my photographs in The Architect’s Newspaper here.

New York/The New Museum

The New Museum — © Brian Rose

Hell Yes!–or–Don’t Worry Be Happy

I have to agree with Fred Bernstein in the Architects Newspaper Blog about the New Museum and its garish Hell Yes! — a multi-hued text piece by Ugo Rondinone. To Bernstein, hanging the kitschy lettering on the shimmering scrim of SANAA’s facade is “like wearing a campaign button on a wedding veil.” My studio is around the corner from the museum, and the Hell Yes! has become a daily irritant. There are worse public sculptures in the city, but none that I can think of that so insistently imprint themselves on one’s brain.

SANAA’s design manages to be both elegant and playful, and the off kilter box effect abstractly mimics the hodgepodge of buildings of the Bowery, evoking, perhaps, the boxes and steel refrigerator units and other restaurant appliances being manhandled on and off of trucks on the street nearby. The architectural joke, however, is good natured and feels right. But Rondinone’s goofball element spoils the slightly tipsy balance. While the passing artist proletariat, glancing up at the museum tower, grumbles under their breaths, Hell No!

The current show, Skin Fruit, curated by Jeff Koons from the collection of New Museum board member Dakis Joannou certainly does nothing to dissipate the grumbling. Peter Schejldahl of the New Yorker commenting on the incestuous nature of the exhibition in a narrated slideshow says:

What makes the occasion a real lightening rod to my mind is  a growing populist resentment of the impunity of wealth in the recent era symbolized by the art market. Younger generations coming up can no longer count on the promise of ascension to the starry feeding trough of the market as it has pertained until the current recession. Full article here.

I have enjoyed a number of the exhibitions at the New Museum, and was pleased to see the retrospective of David Goldblatt there, as well as photographs by William Christenberry in an earlier show. But the collusion between commercial galleries, collectors, and museum curators has gotten completely out of hand, and this exhibition takes the cake–or to flog the metaphor–declaims, Let them eat cake!

New York/Hudson River Park

Hudson River Park — © Brian Rose

A beautiful day in New York. It got up above 50F degrees. After dropping my son off at a middle school test/interview–even public schools are selective in New York–I walked several miles along the Hudson. Just took a few pictures.

Hudson River Park — © Brian Rose

Still a lot of snow piled up in places, but it’s going fast. The parks police placed yellow tape around this snow mountain and posted a sign. Keep off.

New York/Digital Ethics

There’s been a lot of discussion recently about Photoshop manipulation of images. It is a never ending debate–what is allowable, appropriate, ethical, etc. As a photographer whose work is mostly rooted in the visually tangible world, I avoid altering images, and I crop minimally. It is an unstated, but understood, agreement with myself and with my viewers. But at the same time I am well aware of the tenuous hold on reality that any photograph has. For me, that dichotomy between the real and the unreal is integral to what makes photography compelling. Veracity is another issue. It may be dependent on adherence to certain norms, but it is not, in the end, always as clear cut as people think, or wish it to be.

The latest issue, involves the disqualification of a winner in the World Press Photo contest, an annual event held in Amsterdam, which showcases the best of photojournalism. The controversy involves the Ukrainian photographer Stepan Rudik who won third prize in sports features for his pictures of “street fighting.” Because of past questions about the honesty of digital images, this year photographers were required to furnish the RAW files–digital negatives–downloaded directly from cameras. These could then be compared with the final submitted images. The basic rules being that traditional darkroom manipulation is allowed (cropping, dodging and burning), but not digital cloning or removing unwanted distractions.

Here’s the silliness we end up with:

Rudik’s winning submission

Rudik’s original uncropped, unconverted RAW image

Rudik’s cropped image with no other changes

What disqualified Rudik was not the cropping, not the converting to black and white, not the digitally introduced grain, not the heavy burning of the margins of the image. The photo was disqualified because a bit of extraneous detail–someone’s foot–seen between the fighter’s thumb and forefinger was cloned out.

I’m not going to defend Rudik who should have known better, or should have consulted the rules more carefully. Contests like World Press Photo, however, routinely reward photographs for calculated affect, false sentiment, misleading context, you name it. To their credit, they seek to honor those who, in many cases, risk their lives to report on conflicts around the globe, but so often end up promoting aesthetic cliches over less mediated documents, and in doing so, create the the problem that led to Stepan Rudik’s disqualification.

Full story and discussion here.

New York/Jack Hardy

Jack hardy (with Mandolin) and Brian Rose (yellow shirt) on stage at Folk City, the legendary folk club (late ’70s)

Jack Hardy, the songwriter, came over to my studio today to have me scan some old snapshots–some had me in them. I’ve known Jack since 1977 when I arrived in New York. I was an early participate in the songwriters exchange that Jack started and still hosts in his apartment on Houston Street. The photo above was taken while performing Jack’s “Drinking Song.”

Brian Rose and Suzanne Vega (early ’80s) — photo by Theodore Lee

There were so few pictures taken of us in those days, so one can’t really complain about the quality. I was a reluctant photographer when hanging out with my songwriter friends, not wanting to be the designated picture taker at every event. In retrospect, I should have done more. Recently, I was asked for a photograph of me and Suzanne Vega–somehow I didn’t have a single one. Well here’s one.

New York/Kahn Bath House

Trenton Bath House — © Brian Rose

Trenton Bath House — © Brian Rose

Limited demolition and construction has already begun on the Louis Kahn bath house, so I will not be doing “before” pictures with the 4×5 camera. Disappointed that there wasn’t the money to get me down there in time, but I have been working on the photographs I did with my Sigma DP1, and feel that I have a reasonably good record of the building as it stood at the end of its first life, so to speak.

Trenton Bath House — © Brian Rose

I wrote about this earlier–about approaching the building as a modern day ruin–the result of a continuous process of use, neglect, and decay that will be irrevocably disrupted. This is restoration that absolutely needs to be done, however, and I am looking forward to seeing the building once it has been returned to its original state. It will be properly dignified as architectural icon while still serving in its prosaic role as changing rooms for a swimming pool.

Brian Rose at the Trenton Bath House — photo by Michael Mills

We are still talking about doing a book on the Bath House–its history, significance, how it was saved, and the process of restoring it. I will photograph the finished project with the full treatment–probably 4×5 film. But in the meantime, I have put a number of my photographs of the Bath House here on my website.

New York/Vinegar Hill

Hudson Avenue and Water Street — © Brian Rose

Vinegar Hill is a small neighborhood in Brooklyn located between the Brooklyn Navy Yard and Dumbo. Go here for a map.

We did a long walk on Monday from Williamsburg to Dumbo, over the Brooklyn Bridge, up Broadway, and then over the Williamsburg Bridge to make a full circle. About 10 miles.

New York/Nolita

Mott Street between Prince and Spring — © Brian Rose

Used to be part of Little Italy, now known as Nolita. Bah. Lots of small shops, designer clothes, as well as vestiges of its Italian roots. An intimate urban neighborhood, it’s just on the other side of the Bowery from my studio on Stanton Street. I was getting some coffee when I took this photograph through the store window.

New York/Chelsea

10th Avenue — © Brian Rose

First post using WordPress. It hasn’t gone as smoothly as I hoped. Can’t seem to  install into the same location as my Blogger site. So, I’m redirecting people here, and giving up on saving my Blogger permalinks. In any case, I’m happy with the new interface, both the look of the blog and the WordPress dashboard.

10th Avenue in the teens and twenties is a hodgepodge of factory buildings, tenements, housing projects, and parking lots–even a seminary. To the west is the gallery district with contemporary housing sprouting here and there like mushrooms. In the photo above is a new condominium by Neil Denari cantilevered over the High Line. You can see some terrific computer renderings here.

10th Avenue — © Brian Rose

An old New York survivor barely hanging on.

10th Avenue — © Brian Rose

A new apartment building wrapping around a gas station.